Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I wish I was here yesterday to go with my group to the park. I had planned on going fishing with Fue and the rest of the members in my group. But I don't think that they went fishing anyway. I heard that the place they went to was not really pedestrian friendly and that there was only one bench! Wow. I can't grasp the concept of parks that don't give people a place to sit, relax and grab a drink of water. If the parks are supposed to be for the people to use for their own recreation, why is it that we were so disremembered in the design of the parks? It is mind boggoling when you have to search high and low for 15 minutes for a bench! Or wait 10 minutes to get across a street. I think majority of these parks need to be redesigned with the people in mind.

The Forbidden Drive

Yesterday we had to sketch the entrance of the Forbidden Drive and we had to tell why the tree fell.

Our Trail

Yesterday our groubp went back to whissahickon park to do a skechup of the environment. What we had to do was sketch the entrance to the hiking trail. What i think they should have changed about the park is the number of benches they put out, they should have had more signage, and more rest stops along the trail.


The trail that we experienced yesterday was beautiful yet disturbing. There was one bench on the trail and no water fountains which was a big problem for people that were thirsty and tired. I think the park entrance should have more signs, parking spaces, and benches for people that are entering the park. Also for cars entering the park i think it should be a speed bump and when turning off of Kelly Drive, there should be a separate turning lane to avoid accidents. In conclusion the park needs many more things to make the park pedestrian friendly

our trails

yesturday we walked and got down to lincoln and frobidden drive. we walked there. it was very refreshing. we got there and started to draw the entrence to the trail to the next park. we submitted the drawing and tehy were awesome. we walked back and walked up 102 steps to get to the top. it isnt a long walk to the train station. it isnt a long ride to get to wissahickon park and back so it was okay. i really enjoyed these walks. it was hot i think that was the only problem.

Friday, July 24, 2009

What i learned about the park was that it is not really handicap accessible and has many hills which is not really good for people in wheel chairs or people that have disabilities. What could have been better is that the park could have had more benches and leveled ramps for people with disabilities. I would like to learn how i could help to make the park become more handicap accessible.

This week we started going out to the parks. On monday, we went the ben franklin parkway to explore more about the history of the parkway and how it has changed during the years. On tuesday and thursday we went to The Whissahickon park to explore the trails. On wednesday, we watched a movie called When the levies broke. I didn't like it because i have my own reasons for not liking it.

Adventures of the Week

This week has been adventurous and exciting. We took field trips to the Parkway and to the Wissahickon Park. The group experienced pretty good weather when we walked along the Parkway; however it rained both days that we went to the park. We were supposed to analyze how the places we visited could be designed better in order to be more pedestrian friendly. The Fairmount Park Association should really try to do more to make these places more hospitable to the public. Some of the revisions that need to be made to the Parkway are there need to be more restaurants and bathrooms for people to use that enjoy walking along the Parkway. The Wissahickon Park needs more places for sit and relax. The crosswalks are not for people without cars because it takes like ten minutes to cross the street! There also needs to be a better pathway to get to and from the train station. The only two ways to get to the train station is walking along that narrow sidewalk or up the 100 stairs! I hope that the Fairamount Park Comisson tries to fix these issues. Aside from the problems some things in the park are great like the scenery and the trail markers that are available in case you get lost. Add Image

The week of veiwing

On Monday we was at city hall. Then we went to LOVE PARK and we took pictures at it. Next we walk down the Parkway and ran up the steps of the Art museum. On Tue we went to Wissahickon Park. We learn that Wissahickon Park have steps that is called 100 steps but it is really 102 steps on them. On Wed we as a family learn what happen to the people after the storm. We saw how the people was starving for food. Plushow they lived after the storm.Then on Thur we went to the park. It could had been better if they took time and cleanthe Wissahickon River every week.

The week in review

This week we started going out to the parks. On monday, we went the ben franklin parkway to explore more about the history of the parkway and how it has changed during the years. On tuesday and thursday we went to The Whissahickson park to explore the trails. On wednesday, we watched a movie called When the levies broke. I didn't like it because i have my own reasons for not liking it.

Friday, July 17, 2009

what i learned about the wissahickon park

Today a guy named kevin came and informed us about the Wissahickon park that we will visit next week for a couple of days. Kevin told us about the location and it's surroundings and what we will be doing when we reach there next week. I must admit that next week sounds pretty educational.

Speaker from Friends of Wissahickson

Today we heard from a speaker from The friends of the wissahickon park. He explained what he and his group basically do in the park as to helping to preserve nature. He also told us about what we were gonna see once we get there to the park.

what Emmmanuel

We take about the Wissahickon park and he told us all about the park .He told us what we had to do when we go to the park.

wissahickon park

we just listened to this speaker tell us about how his park is and what we will be expecting when we get to his park. we will be following and helping creat some trails. that should be interesting. our person that watches over us will have a map and we will be following it. We will need to stay hydrated and well fed or it will be bad. i think this trip might be interesting and that we might get a good experience out of this.


Thursday, July 16, 2009

we learned how to work twitter. it was okay even though we knew how to work twitter. it was kind of boring. we are about to set up a flickr though. that should be fun. we read stuff online and wrote about it.

Today's fun

Today is 07/16/09. Today i arrived at work around 12:47 pm,upon arrival i was accompanied by my supervisor Mr.Fue, who explained that today would be full of knowledge and hard work. A group of adults came and told us about a website named twitter and how the website can be used, after this small meaningful session i went to lunch with other employee's. After lunch i went to research some info on the parkway's history and some other public places and then i summarized the information that i contained. In conclusion,my day was pretty good and i learnad lots of new things

the park way

Today we learned how to use twitter. We learned about the Benjamin Franklin Parkway.

Parkway Facts by Gary

Today we saw a demonstration from some temple student interns about their twitter page, University Green. They explained to our group how to use twitter with our blog and how people can view our blog. Later on, we looked up some more history about the Ben Franklin Parkway how long ago construction started on the parkway.

The Spetactular Parkway

Today we learned how twitter was so important to use. Then we learned about the Ben Franklin Parkway.That Ben Franklin Parkway lead to Love Park.
today i today i saw how it feels to walk in fairmount park it is very uncomfortable there is 3 places to sit and no water fountains people get tired and dehidrated they dont want people to litter but there are no trash cans and the worst part is there is 1 bathroom and you cant even tell that its there because there is no sign there saying its there