Thursday, August 6, 2009

My Presentions

Today we had a presentation and i had to show my power point to my group and we only had 1 min to per slide.
Today i finished my power point and presented it to my supervisor's, who thought is was good but could use a few inserts. Over all today was a great day, even though i really didn't do much

Presentations on Wissahickon

Today my group had to deliver their presentations. Seeing as though we only had a few days to prepare for the presentations everyone did a pretty good job. I worked hard on my presentation and I think my idea was very creative. Everyone's ideas about improvements for the park would be beneficial and should seriously considered as additions for the park. The funny thing is that they should not have to be additions these are all things that should of been in the park from the very start. I did not fully understand the extent of the improvements that Wissahickon park needed until our last trip. Hiking up that trail was treacherous since there were no bathrooms, water fountains or benches. Wissahickon Park is a beautiful park it just needs a few improvements to make it better:).

The week in review

Today we presented our powerpoints to our supervisors. We have been working all week on our powerpoints and research to present to all who come to our presentations next friday. I hope that my powerpoint was good for my supervisors to approve.


I think the presentations were good. I think they had real hard work put into them. They were really creative and interesting. It took up alot of time and it kept us real occupied.